Nghiên cứu khoa học (NCKH) là một trong ba nhiệm vụ chính của Bệnh viện,
giúp duy trì và nâng cao chất lượng đào tạo cũng như chất lượng khám chữa bệnh.
Hoạt động NCKH được Ban Giám đốc Bệnh viện chú trọng phát triển và
đưa vào nhiệm vụ bắt buộc đối với mỗi nhân viên y tế
đang công tác tại Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược TPHCM.
Nghiên cứu khoa học

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Scientific research (SR) is one of the core missions of
the University Medical Center HCMC (UMC),
helping to maintain and improve the quality of education and patient care.
The board of directors emphasizes SR activities and makes them a
mandatory duty for all medical staff at UMC.
Scientific Research
Với chức năng là cơ sở giảng dạy thực hành, đào tạo là một trong những
hoạt động nòng cốt của Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược TPHCM,
nhằm tối ưu công tác đào tạo, Bệnh viện đa dạng hóa các loại hình đào tạo
để đáp ứng các yêu cầu về đào tạo của nội bộ, của các cơ sở y tế khác
và của học viên nước ngoài.
Đào tạo

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The University Medical Center HCMC (UMC) is a leading teaching hospital in Vietnam.
One of its core activities is training. In order to optimize training, the hospital diversifies
training programs to meet the needs of internal training, other health care facilities,
and international students.
Với kinh nghiệm nhiều năm trong quản lý và điều hành các sự kiện khoa học,
cùng với đội ngũ nhân lực chuyên nghiệp, năng động, sách tạo và có sự gắn bó
lâu dài trong lĩnh vực tổ chức sự kiện khoa học đào tạo,
đây là một trong những thế mạnh của Bệnh viện Đại học Y Dược TPHCM.
Sự kiện

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With years of experience in managing and organizing scientific events,
along with a team of dedicated, dynamic, creative, and long-term committed
professionals in the field of organizing educational scientific events,
this is one of UMC's strengths.
In the era of globalization and internationalization,
Hợp tác quốc tế

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In the era of globalization and internationalization,
all medical facilities in Vietnam need to expand their international cooperation with
reputable institutes and schools, both within the region and worldwide.
International cooperation

The University Medical Center HCMC (UMC) was established in 1994. UMC is the first combined hospital-university model in Vietnam. The hospital has achieved significant achievements in the fields of patient care, training, and research, and has gradually established itself as a leading university hospital.
Scientific and tranining activities have become and will continue to be the leading edge of the hospital, alongside patient care. In order to provide comprehensive and detailed information to teachers, colleagues, and students about the upcoming activities and related policies, the Science and Training Department has built this website to provide the following main information:

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The University Medical Center HCMC (UMC) is a leading teaching hospital in Vietnam. One of its core activities is training. In order to optimize training, the hospital diversifies training programs to meet the needs of internal training, other health care facilities, and international students.

UMC has abundant human resources with high professional qualifications, strong clinical and paraclinical departments, and a growing number of patients visiting and receiving treatment. As a result, UMC is not only a place of practice for Vietnamese medical personnel, but also a choice for many international students from Japan, Australia…..

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Scientific Research

Support Policy for Activities

UMC has a policy of providing financial support to staff members currently working at the hospital when participating in research and development activities: such as international publication of scientific articles…”

Research Topics

Research topics at the institutional level, provincial-level scientific and technological topics, Ministry of Health-level topics, state-level topics, and clinical trial topics…

Research Collaboration

Provincial Department of Science and Technolog

Collecting Research Data

Regulations on Documentation
Researchers need to prepare documentation…

International Collaboration

UMC consistently endeavors to extend and fortify its international collaborative efforts. Since 2012, the hospital has executed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with 48 international institutions, academic bodies, and organizations. Moreover, it has facilitated the training of 395 personnel abroad, enabling them to assimilate cutting-edge insights, techniques, and advanced technologies in diagnostics, treatment, and hospital administration. UMC has fostered robust partnerships with counterparts in countries including South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, France, Italy, and the United States, …

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With years of experience in managing and organizing scientific events, along with a team of dedicated, dynamic, creative, and long-term committed professionals in the field of organizing educational scientific events, this is one of UMC’s strengths.

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